Text commands
Text Commands
Text commands are a comfortable and fast way to access different functions of the Win-Test software. These commands have to be typed right into the callsign field of the Log entry window. They will be executed after pressing [Enter]. If the command was executed sucessfully, the command text will be deleted from the callsign field.
Changing Bands or Jumping to a Frequency
You can directly enter the band to which you want to QSY (if permitted for the current contest): 160, 80, 40, 144, 432, 241G, etc.
For frequencies below 30 MHz, enter the wavelength in meters (80 for 3.8 MHz, not 75). For frequencies above 30 MHz and below 10 GHz, enter the frequency in MHz. Above (and including) 10 GHz, enter 10G (or 24G, etc.). This behaviour may depend on the Tools | Data Entry | Priority setting.
You can also directly type a frequency (in kHz): for example 14234.4, 1843, 144300, etc. If a radio is connected to your computer, it will jump to the desired frequency. You can also just enter the kHz part of the frequency of the current band (e.g. while on 20m, entering 035.5 will tune your radio on 14035.5). Finally, you can also enter the frequency by omitting the decimal point (CT style) (e.g. 18404 will tune your radio on 1840.4).
Of course, all the Win-Test windows will be updated according to the new frequency or band.
To return to your last CQ frequency, press [Alt-F4].
Changing Mode
You can directly change the operating mode by typing CW, SSB etc. The mode will be switched as soon as you press Enter.
There are also shortcuts for changing the mode: Ctrl-F1 or Ctrl-F2 will cycle through all the available modes.
Of course, the chosen mode will have to be compatible with the rules of the chosen contest, otherwise Win-Test will ignore this command (error detection in the field).
List of Text Commands
These text commands provide fast access to many of the functions listed in the Win-Test menus. Just type the text command in the callsign field, and press [Enter].
CW Functions
- BURSTS: Enable CW speed bursts (controlled with ++/-- in macros), equivalent to
Options | CW | Speed Bursts enabled
- NOBURSTS: Disable CW speed bursts (controlled with ++/(-- in macros), equivalent to
Options | CW | Speed Bursts disabled
- CORRECT: Equivalent to
Options | CW | Correction | Enabled
- NOCORRECT: Equivalent to
Options | CW | Correction | Disabled
- CTSPACE: Equivalent to
Options | CW | Shortened spaces (CT spaces) enabled
- NOCTSPACE: Equivalent to
Options | CW | Shortened spaces (CT spaces) disabled
- CUTON: Enable cut numbers translation
- CUTOFF: Disable cut numbers translation
- CWAUTO: Enable CW Auto Sending Mode
- CWAUTO3: Start CW Auto Sending after 3 characters in the callsign field
- CWAUTO4: Start CW Auto Sending after 4 characters in the callsign field
- CWAUTOOFF (or NOCWAUTO): Disable CW Auto Sending Mode
Options | CW | Serial number | Abbreviated
- CWPROABBREV (or PROABBREV): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Serial number | Pro
Options | CW | Serial number | Half abbreviated
- NOCWABBREV (or NOABBREV): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Serial number | Not abbreviated
- ESM (or NOESM): Enable/disable Enter Sends Message Mode; equivalent to
Tools | Data Entry | Enable ESM [checked]
- LEADINGZEROS (or LZ): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Serial number | Leading zeros [checked]
- LOADMSGS: Open the current op. directory and load CW or RTTY messages from there
- NOLEADINGZEROS (or NOLZ): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Serial number | Leading zeros [unchecked]
- MESSAGES (or MSGS): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Modify standard messages...
- REPEAT (or RPT): Equivalent to
Options | Automatic CQ repeat mode [checked]
- RPTDELAY: Equivalent to Tools / Automatic CQ repeat, with the focus set to the repeat interval field
- NOREPEAT (or NORPT): Equivalent to
Options | Automatic CQ repeat mode [unchecked]
- SMARTCORRECT (or SMART): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Correction | Smart Correction enabled
- NOSMARTCORREC (or NOSMART): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Correction | Smart Correction disabled
- SOUND: Equivalent to
Options | CW | No sound [unchecked]
- NOSOUND: Equivalent to
Options | CW | No sound [checked]
- SPEED (or CWSPEED) Equivalent to
Commands | CW speed
- TUNE: Equivalent to
Commands | Carrier
- VARIABLES: Equivalent to
Options | CW | Custom variables...
- WEIGHT (or CWWEIGHT): Equivalent to
Commands | CW weight
- WORKDUPE (or WORKDUPEON): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Work dupes
(checked). The normal exchange will be sent to all dupes; the $QSOB4 message variable will be ignored. - NOWORKDUPE (or WORKDUPEOFF): Equivalent to
Options | CW | Work dupes
(unchecked). Causes the $QSOB4 message to be sent to all dupes instead of the exchange, for example, when the [Insert] key is programmed as $LOGGEDCALL $QSOB4 $GUESSEXCH $F2
Voice Keyer Control Functions
- MIC: Enables the mic input when the Voice Keyer (VK) is not playing
- NOMIC: Mutes the mic input when the VK is not playing (default)
- MICWHENPLAY: Enables the mic input when the VK is playing
- NOMICWHENPLAY: Mutes the mic input when the VK is playing (default)
Multi Operating
- BRIDGEHEAD: Make the current station a Bridgehead station
- INVENTORY (or INV): Requests all connected Stations to send their version number and status information.
- Time Master stations are indicated by a capital M character (else m)
- Bridgeheads by the capital character B (else b)
- stations which have enabled log synching are marked with a capital S, while s means log sync is disabled
- MOVEINMYLOG: Equivalent to tag
Edit | Move in my log only
- MULT: Equivalent to
Commands | Station type | Mult
- NOBRIDGEHEAD: Make the current station a non Bridgehead station
- NOMOVEINMYLOG: Equivalent to untag
Edit | Move in my log only
- NOSCROLLMYLOG: Equivalent to untag
Edit | Move in my log only
- NOSUPPORT (or NOPARTNER): Equivalent to
Commands | Station type | Support [unchecked]
- OPNAME (or MYNAME): Edit current operator name (used in NAQP M/2 only)
- OPON (or LOGIN): Log in as an operator
- OPOFF (or LOGOUT): Log out as an operator
- RUN1: Equivalent to
Commands | Station type | Run 1
- RUN2: Equivalent to
Commands | Station type | Run 2
- RUN: Equivalent to
Commands | Station type | Run
- SUPPORT (or PARTNER): Equivalent to
Commands | Station type | Support [checked]
- SCROLLMYLOG: Equivalent to tag
Edit | Move in my log only
Open/Close/Database Functions
- ARCHIVE: Equivalent to
File | Archive
Options | Load contest at startup | Enabled
- BYE: Equivalent to
File | Quit
- CLEARLOG: Equivalent to
Edit | Delete all QSO
- CLEARLOGNOW: Equivalent to CLEARLOG, but doesn't ask for confirmation. Use with caution!
- CLOSE: Equivalent to
File | Close
- COPYLOG: Save a copy of the current log file (.wt4) in the current log directory with a timestamp (to the nearest second) added to its name
- COPYLOGCLEAR: Equivalent to the COPYLOG command immediately followed by a CLEARLOG command
- NEW: Equivalent to
File | New
- NOTES: Open the notes file attached to the current log
- OPEN: Equivalent to
File | Open
- QUIT (or EXIT): Equivalent to
File | Quit
- RELOAD (or REOPEN): Reopens the current opened file
- RELOADNOW (or REOPENNOW): Reopens the current opened file, but does not display the contest configuration dialog.
- RESTART: Restarts Win-Test
- SAVELOG: Equivalent to
File | Backup contest
- WRITEDB: Equivalent to
File | Update database
- WRITELOG (or MAKELOG): Equivalent to
File | Creating log files
Frequency Control Functions
- PASSFREQ (or QSYFREQ): Equivalent to
Commands | QSY frequency
- QSX: Equivalent to
Commands | Split frequency
- NCDXF: Put Radio on NCDXF frequency of current band
- NOQSX (or SPLITOFF): turns split operation off
- RUNFREQ: Moves to last Run frequency, equivalent to Alt-F4
- SPLITFREQ: Equivalent to
Commands | Split frequency
- NOSPLIT (or SPLITOFF): turns split operation off
- SWAP: Equivalent to
Commands | Swap the frequency on both radios
Log synchronisation
- SYNC (or SYNLOGS): Equivalent to
Options | Disable log synchronization on network
(unchecked) - NOSYNC (or NOSYNLOGS): Equivalent to
Options | Disable log synchronization on network
- WKSETUP: Equivalent to
Options | WinKey configuration...
- WKSWAP (or WKREVERSE): Equivalent to
Options | WinKey configuration... | Swap paddles
. Reverse the paddles attached to your WinKey. This is a toggle; paddles change every time this command is run.
Other Functions
- AUTOCQ or CQAUTO: Enable automatic CQ Repeat mode
- AUTOCW or CWAUTO: Enable CW Auto Send
- BLOCKCARET: Change line cursor to block cursor
- BLOCKCURSOR: Change line cursor to block cursor
- CLEARGAB: Clear Gab window (Alt-I)
- CLOSEALL: Equivalent to
Windows | Close all
Options | Data files | Country files...
- DEFINEKEYS: Equivalent to
Options | Redefine keyboard keys
- EZSETUP: Equivalent to Options / EZMaster configuration...
- HEADERS: Equivalent to
Options | Log display | Hide headers disabled
- NOHEADERS: Equivalent to
Options | Log display | Hide headers enabled
- HELP: Open reference manual
- KEYB: Change keyboard layout, append layout designator with slash, like KEYB/FRA,KEYB/DEU, KEYB/ENU; see [1] for details.
- MKSETUP: Equivalent to Options / MK/MKII/MK2R configuration...
- MP3SETUP: Equivalent to Options / MP3 configuration...
- NOAUTOCQ or NOCQAUTO: Disable automatic CQ Repeat mode
- NOAUTOCW or NOCWAUTO: Disable CW Auto Send
- NOBLOCKCURSOR: Change block cursor to line cursor
- NOBLOCKCARET: Change block cursor to line cursor
- NOOFFSET (or NOOFFSETS or OFFSETOFF or OFFSETSOFF): Disable frequency offset
- NORECORD: Stop contest recording
- NOQQSL (or QQSLOFF): Disable Quick QSL Feature
- NORPTESCONLY: Stop AutoCQ by any keyboard activity
- NORUNSP (or RUNSPOFF): Disable RUN/S&P-Switchting
- NOTEXTCMDTIP (or NOTXTCMDTIP): Don't display tooltips in Menu operations
- OFFSET (or OFFSETS or OFFSETON or OFFSETSON): Enable frequency offset
- OFFSETSETUP: To start frequency offset dialogue
- OFFSETSSETUP: To start frequency offset dialogue
- QQSL (or QQSLON): Enable Quick QSL Feature
- QUICKQSL: Enable intelligent Quick QSL feature, bring up configuration menu
- RECORD: Start contest recording
- REMAPKEYS: Equivalent to
Options | Redefine keyboard keys
- REMOTE: Equivalent to
Commands | Remote commands...
. Opens the Remote Commands Dialog - RPTESCONLY: Stop AutoCQ by pressing the Escape key only
- RTTYSETUP: Equivalent to
Options | RTTY Configuration...
- RUNSP (or RUNSPON): Enable RUN/S&P-Switchting
- SCRIPTS: Equivalent to
Tools | Scripts Manager
- SETUP: Equivalent to
Options | Configure Interfaces
- STARTRECORD: Start contest recording
- STOPRECORD: Stop contest recording
- TEXTCMDTIP (or TXTCMDTIP): Display tooltips in Menu operations
- VERSION: Equivalent to
Help | About
- WCY: Equivalent to
Windows | Solar Activity | Displayed data | WCY
- WWV: Equivalent to
Windows | Solar Activity | Displayed data | WWV