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Restore QSO

Allows you to restore all the original datas of a QSO you are modifying.

Of course, the QSO you are modifying must not be logged before you wish to use this command.

Initialize QSO

Erases all the fields of the current QSO, but does not delete the QSO !

However, the best way to "delete" a QSO is to do it after the end of the contest, in the final log files. Otherwise, you can also write down your own callsign (and clear it afterwards with File/Clean log...), but this may create errors in the multipliers list. The best way is to duplicate the previous QSO. It will be one more dupe QSO, but the points and the mutlipliers will be correct.

QSO date and time

TODO date and time

Edit serial number

TODO edit serial

Delete QSO

TODO delet QSO

Delete all QSO...

TODO delete all QSO

Goto QSO


Move in my log only

TODO move in my log only

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