Message variables

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Revision as of 19:09, 16 November 2009 by N6TV (talk | contribs) (→‎CW automation: Added $CURRENT, $PREVCALL, $NEXTCALL, $GRABPARTNER)
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Messages Variables

These variables can be used in programming CW messages using the F-keys. Some of these variables do not actually create output but rather perform actions at specific points in time, like the $CR symbol.

CW / RTTY automation

  • $CHECK: send license year (ARRL SS only)
  • $CORRECT: sends a call correction, if any (see correction)
  • $CURRENT (or $CURRENTCALL): Sends the callsign of the current QSO despite the presence of a $CR later in the message. The $CR (carriage return) is always executed on message keypress)
  • $F1...$F7: sends the message associated with F1 ... F7 function key
  • $FREQP: contains the frequency of the primary radio (useful for passing mults)
  • $FREQS: contains the frequency of the secondary radio (useful for passing mults)
  • $GRABPARTNER: grabs the first callsign from the Partner window and inserts it in the callsign field. See usage notes under Partner window.
  • $INSERT: sends message in the [Ins] key
  • $ISLAND: sends IOTA Reference (i.e. EU001, AF001, ...) (IOTA Contest)
  • $LOGGEDCALL: sends what is typed in the callsign field
  • $MSG1...$MSG12: sends additional CW messages (see Modify additional messages)
  • $MYCALL: sends callsign set in contest configuration
  • $MYNAME: sends operator name, set in contest configuration
  • $NEXT (or $NEXTCALL): sends the callsign of the next QSO line when a $CR is included in the message.
  • $NEXTSERIAL: sends next QSO serial number (current QSO serial number plus 1)
  • $PLUS: sends message in the [+] key
  • $PREV (or $PREVCALL): sends the callsign on the previous QSO line.
  • $PREVSERIAL: sends previous QSO serial number (current QSO serial number minus 1)
  • $QQSLC: sends Quick QSL message based QSOs made (see Intelligent Quick QSL)
  • $QQSLT: sends Quick QSL message based on time passed (see Intelligent Quick QSL)
  • $QQSLRESET: reset the timer or the counter like if the long QSL message were just sent.
  • $QSOB4: sends the QSOB4 message and cancels the remainder of the current message, if the current QSO is a dupe, otherwise sends nothing (see Modify standard messages)
  • $RST: sends report from RST Sent field (normally 5NN)
  • $SERIAL: sends current QSO Serial Number, or previous serial number if the line with the cursor is blank.
  • $STATE: sends State/Province set in contest configuration (Exchange)
  • $YEAR: sends year nr set in contest configuration (i.e. EUHFC, AA)
  • $ZONE: sends zone nr set in contest configuration
  • &xy: sends a Morse prosign where xy represents the two characters forming the prosign, e.g. &AS, &AR, &BK, &BT, &CL, &KN, &SK, etc.
  • +: increase speed by 4 wpm
  • -: decrease speed by 4 wpm
  • ^: the halfspace character with 1/2 dot duration

RTTY only

  • $13: send carriage return character (start print on a new line)
  • $SERIE: send the complete QTC block (WAEDC only)


  • $CR: works like hitting [Enter] (log QSO)
  • $GRABSPOT grabs spot on the current frequency
  • $GUESSEXCH (or $GUESSEXCHANGE): mimics a space bar hit, filling the exchange field(s) if possible, but the cursor remains in the same edit field.
  • $REPEAT: restarts the automatic repeating CQ sequence (if enabled), after pausing for the specified interval. Most useful at the end of the [Plus] key message to avoid having to press [F1] to start CQing again.
  • $SPACEBAR: works like hitting spacebar-key (move cursor to the next most-used field)
  • $TAB: works like hitting [Tab] (move cursor to next field)


  • $ALTERNATECQ (or $ACQ): swaps primary and secondary radios and send CQ on the secondary radio
  • $CQ: same as $ALTERNATECQ but does not swap radios
  • $LATCH: sets latch mode
  • $MK2R=cmd: send a specific MK2R command to the microHAM MK2R SO2R box. See Integrated_SO2R_boxes for usage notes.
  • $R1R1: set audio of Radio 1 to left and right ear
  • $R1R2: set audio of Radio 1 to left and audio of Radio 2 to right ear
  • $R2R1: set audio of Radio 2 to left and audio of Radio 1 to right ear
  • $R2R2: set audio of Radio 2 to left and right ear
  • $RESET: cancels any manual change made in the audio control
  • $TR1: transmit on primary radio
  • $TR2: transmit on secondary radio

WAEDC QTC related

  • $CALLSIGN: send callsign of the current QTC
  • $DONE: if all QTC are sent: mimic the [+] key
  • $GRNR: sends group & number of the received QTC
  • $NEXT: move focus to the next QTC line
  • $QTC: sends group & number of the transmitted QTC
  • $SERIAL: send serial number of the current QTC
  • $SERIE: send the complete QTC block (specific to RTTY)
  • $TIME: send time of the current QTC
  • $VALID: save everything and close the window

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